![Stock Photo Man](http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0150/9066/files/Stock_Photo_Man_medium.jpg?1891913530119361187)
Ok, that's a little dramatic.
But I feel like I can't write another word.
Maybe it's because I'm almost halfway through the challenge, and I'm already running out of steam. Maybe it's because today is kind of like New Years Day for me. Maybe because it's Sunday, and I just want to take a day off, or just a little break.
Let me start over.
On Day 1, I mentioned the blog challenge, but left out all the details.
I'm a member of a business group of indie makers called the Indie Business Network. IBN is heading up a 30-day blog challenge. It's completely optional (yes, I chose to do this to myself), but I thought it would be a good idea to get back in the habit of regular blogging, so I took it on.
The rules are pretty simple. Write at least one blog per day, every day, for 30 straight days. Each blog must be at least 300 words. That's it.
(Oh, and include a photo. Today I chose the stock photo equivalent of an infomercial, because I'm feeling hyperbolic).
But, 300 words is longer than it sounds, and thinking of something new to write every day is starting to feel impossible, and this is only the 14th day. 16 more days, more ideas, more words (at least 4800 more), to go. I'm running out of things to say.
(That's not really true. I have lists of ideas of things to write about, I just don't feel like writing them.)
The first 13 blogs of the challenge were a mixture of things I just wanted to say, ideals I wanted to share, old blogs refreshed and rewritten for new eyes, and origin stories I wanted to tell. The next 16 will likely be the same.
But, lets go back to the beginning.
SOS. I need your help. What would you like to read about?
P.S. If you're on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, look for the #blogyourbrand hashtag to find more blogs from myself and other Indies.