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3 Popular Diets Commonly Confused (never get them wrong again)

With constantly changing opinions on what foods are the healthiest, and what foods we should be avoiding, there are new diets emerging on a regular basis. From fad diets, to weight-loss plans, to entire lifestyle changes, it can be hard to keep track of which is which. Even three of the longest-standing, most common, and most well-known diets are continuously confused with each other. Everyone knows at least one vegetarian (a term used for over 150 years), a vegan, or a pescatarian, but do we all know what those terms really mean? Knowing the difference is important for two major reasons: The first reason is that calling one diet (or lifestyle) the wrong term is just that. Wrong.  The second reason is that confusing someone's dietary restrictions could be dangerous. If a vegetarian is fed fish because a cook/friend/chef assumes incorrectly that vegetarians eat fish, that person could become sick, especially if there is an allergy involved.