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My Favorite Scent is October.

I recently saw a beautiful foliage photo with the caption, "My favorite color is October." Well, my favorite scent is October! The crisp, cool air this month floats aromas like no other. The sweetness of decaying leaves, the green and slightly floral fragrance of chrysanthemums, the nuttiness of acorns and pine cones, the earthiness of a fallen summer. And those are just the natural aromas in the air. Then there are carnivals, harvest festivals, and county fairs, carrying the scents of fried dough, cotton candy, and Italian sausages (even to a vegetarian, these smell delicious). And let's not forget the somehow comforting stench of farm animals mixed in with the fragrance of freshly baled hay. Apple orchards, corn stalks, and cider doughnuts. Sweet squashes and pumpkin pies. Fall, especially October, is all about aromas. 

My Favorite Scent is October.

I recently saw a beautiful foliage photo with the caption, "My favorite color is October." Well, my favorite scent is October! The crisp, cool air this month floats aromas like no other. The sweetness of decaying leaves, the green and slightly floral fragrance of chrysanthemums, the nuttiness of acorns and...

Every Day is the Best Day, aka Hashtag Maker Monday

Today is Maker Monday (ok, every Monday is Maker Monday), and also Day 1 of the Indie Business Network 30-day blog challenge, so what perfect timing to talk about my history of loving to make stuff, and how I came to make natural skin care products full time.   I've been a...

Facial Care Changes

As you may know, facial care has gone through some changes over the last couple of months. Here is an overview of what is going on: Lavender Woods Earlier this year we made the move from conventional grapeseed oil to organic. We were excited to make the change, but the...

Chakra Series, Part IV: What is the Heart Chakra?

What is the Heart Chakra? The fourth major chakra is our Heart Chakra. It's found in the center of the sternum (the breastbone) and projects outward in a cone-like spiral, from both the front and the back of the body. It is visually expressed by the color green, although sometimes...

Chakra Series, Part III: What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

What is the Solar Plexus? Below the rib cage and above the naval, right where we feel our intuitive "gut feelings", we find our third major chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra. It projects outward in a cone-like spiral, with the small end closest to the body. The Solar Plexus is...

Coming Up Roses!

If you follow me on social media, you probably know that I've become obsessed with roses over the last year. I've always liked the aroma, but something happened this year and I really fell in love! From wild roses to rose extracts, rose tea to rose balm, I can't seem...

Why Don't Seasonal Lip Balms Go On Sale?

At the end of each season, limited edition and seasonal themed products everywhere get their prices slashed, sometimes to a fraction of what their original prices were. This is standard practice for retailers, so why don't we do that at Wunder Budder? Halloween 2013 was the first year we released...

NEW! Customer Accounts

The next time you place an order with Wunder Budder, you may notice you have a new option to create an account. To make things easier on you, once you create an account, all your future orders (and your past orders if you use the same email address), will be...

Carrier Oils

  Carrier oils are non-volatile base oils (essential oils are volatile oils), usually botanical, used on their own or to "carry" essential oils for use on skin. They are usually heavy oils, pressed from fruits and vegetables, often used in food as well as cosmetics. Olive oil is probably the most familiar...

The Oil Cleansing Method

Most people have a daily routine for washing their face. For some, it's as simple as splashing a bit of water around and briskly drying off with a towel. Others are more ritualistic, as they scrub their skin mercilessly before applying countless chemicals and creams. Most of these routines, as...

Lemons for Health!

  Lemon is a fantastic food-medicine, with antiviral and strong antibacterial properties. It is high in vitamin C for immune support, and (unlike the more commonly used orange) helps cut mucus and phlegm. Adding fresh lemon to your diet, especially during this time of year, may help you recover from colds and flu...

Introduction to Aromatherapy

What is Aromatherapy? Coined in the 1930's, the term "aromatherapy" is used to describe the therapeutic use of pure, steam-distilled essential oils. It's a relaxing, revitalizing, and rejuvenating holistic treatment that calls upon a variety of plants for their curative powers and aromatic presence. Essential oils can be administered in...

What is Chaparral?

Larrea tridentata Chaparral, often referred to as Creosote bush, is a desert shrub with waxy green compound leaves consisting of two leaflets. Small, bright yellow flowers usually bloom in the spring, but blooms may be delayed by lack of rain. Although chaparral typically averages around 4-6ft in height, plants growing in...

What are Chakras? Chakra Series: Intro to Chakras

What are Chakras? Everything in the universe, all that we know and see, is made up of vascillating energy. Found in the tiniest atoms and the largest stars, electromagnetic energy is an undeniable force of nature. While it's easy to overlook this invisible element of our existence, our own bodies...

What is Calendula?

Calendula officinalis Photo Credit: Oberon Carter Recently gaining wider recognition for its medicinal properties, calendula, in the Asteraceae/Compostitae family, is a plant with golden-orange flower heads long used traditionally to heal skin. The flowers are dried and infused into a carrier such as olive oil or jojoba. This oil is...

Natural Terms - 5 Commonly Misused and Abused Natural Industry Terms

Never get them confused again. With so many cosmetic and personal care products these days claiming to be "natural," "organic," and made from "botanical" ingredients, it can be difficult to sort out the facts or figure out which companies you can trust. Sadly, hefty profits are made by duping underinformed...