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It's 11pm and I Have Nothing to Write About

I've been sitting on my deck for the last three hours, thinking of something to write for today's blog. I've been trying to stick with a theme for each day to help keep me generate ideas. Today's theme is Top Five Friday, so I went back and forth on what to write about. I have a few topics in mind, but some require research, and after a full day of work, then a dinner out with my husband, I was only left with a few hours to write, and a few hours is not enough to write anything requiring research. Time for writing a blog today is running out. I decided to write a just-for-fun blog and tell you my top five favorite Etsy stores right now, but I couldn't pick just five. I chose a theme (botany) and still couldn't pick five. There are a lot of amazing makers out there. Meanwhile, time is running out. I'm sitting on my deck in a t-shirt and skirt, in New Hampshire, in November. It's 11:00 at night, and just a few minutes ago I put on a hoodie.

It's 11pm and I Have Nothing to Write About

I've been sitting on my deck for the last three hours, thinking of something to write for today's blog. I've been trying to stick with a theme for each day to help keep me generate ideas. Today's theme is Top Five Friday, so I went back and forth on what to...

Animal Ingredients Hidden in Your Food

Following a diet or lifestyle that minimizes or eliminates animal cruelty is not always easy when it comes to prepared food, whether that food is packaged or made in a kitchen. While we can usually find dishes not centered around animals when eating out, the terms vegan, vegetarian, and pescatarian...

On Being Nice.

I've always been "nice".  To some people that means kind, to some that means boring, to some a pushover, and to some fake. To me, it's a choice I make in an attempt to make other people's lives just a little less difficult.  Because, as we all know, life is...

DIY Easy Body Sugar Scrubs

The cool weather and dry air of the fall can be tough on skin. Between things like artificial heat indoors lowering the humidity in the air, cooler temps changing our diets to include more hearty and less water-based foods, and the lack of moisture-giving green plants outside, our skin tends...

Christmalloween and the Dilemma of Selling.

It's Nov. 2nd.  Just two days after Halloween. It's still the season; the second day of Day of the Dead is today. At my house, we still have "candles" (battery operated) lit in the small pumpkins hanging from a tree in our front yard. Metal jack-o-lanterns are still lighting our...

SOS - Help Me, This Blog Challenge is Killing Me!

Ok, that's a little dramatic.  But I feel like I can't write another word. Maybe it's because I'm almost halfway through the challenge, and I'm already running out of steam. Maybe it's because today is kind of like New Years Day for me. Maybe because it's Sunday, and I just...

My Halloween

I love Halloween season. It's my favorite holiday, and time of year, for so many reasons. The air feels fresh and clean. I can wear leggings and sweaters. Arm warmers and legwarmers. Hoodies and layers and boots. All the comfort of winter clothes, without the frozen nose or frozen toes. It's...

Top 5 Abused Natural Industry Terms

With the ever-growing popularity of natural products, a lot of marketing words are thrown around these days. It can be difficult to figure out what exactly each word means, especially when there is little regulation around most words. Here are the top 5 abused natural industry terms: Botanical Botanical refers...

Have You Heard of the Teal Pumpkin Project?

Remember being a kid, and Trick-or-Treating in your neighborhood? Comparing costumes, yelling "Trick or Treat?" when the adults opened the door, singing "trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat" when out of range of those same adults (you wanted to be nice - you needed...

Put Your Oxygen Mask On First

If you've ever been on an airplane, you know the safety speech.  The emergency exits are at the sides, there are life jackets under the seats, and in case of pressure changes in the cabin, the oxygen masks in compartments over your head will automatically fall to you. You are...

How I Quit Smoking (you can do it, too)

I loved smoking.  I wasn't one of those people who constantly thought, "I should quit". I loved everything about it. I rolled my own, and loved the smell of a freshly-opened tin of tobacco. I loved the ritual of hand rolling it into a cigarette, with a little paper filter...

Inside Wunder Budder - Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis)

Jojoba (pronounced ho-HO-ba) is native to the Sonoran Desert area of southwestern Arizona, southern California, and northwestern New Mexico. It's a perennial shrub, with greyish-green waxy evergreen leaves. Jojoba grows to 10ft on average, and can live for 200 years. Jojoba is usually dioecious (male and female flowers grow on different...

3 Popular Diets Commonly Confused (never get them wrong again)

With constantly changing opinions on what foods are the healthiest, and what foods we should be avoiding, there are new diets emerging on a regular basis. From fad diets, to weight-loss plans, to entire lifestyle changes, it can be hard to keep track of which is which. Even three of...

Top 5 Essential Oils Everyone Should Have

My favorite essential oils will change depending on what day you ask me. There are so many to choose from! I may fall in love with an oil new to me, or be reminded why I love an old favorite. I may have one on my favorites list in my...

Is it an Essential Oil or an Infused Oil?

The more I talk to people, the more I find that there is a lot of confusion over what exactly an essential oil is. Many people tell me that they are making essential oils at home, but the further we get into the conversation, I realize what they're actually talking...

A Day Off? What's That?

If you run your own business (or you have other reasons), you know what this is like.  You work 7 days a week, 8+ hours a day (but usually 12+ hours a day), and never can take any time off. If you take a day, or even just half a...